SUNDAY OPEN HOUSE CANCELLED. SELLERS HAVE ACCEPTED AN OFFER. Looking for a property that is unique and not just another cookie cutter home? You've found it with this farmhouse style colonial home located on a private 1.6 acre lot in the town of Carver. Upon driving up to the home you will notice the extensive masonry work that was recently completed on the front of the home. A farmer's porch welcomes you into the entry foyer with an open staircase to the upper level of the home. To the right is a large family room featuring a fireplace w/wood stove insert and recessed lighting. The remodeled kitchen has beautiful cabinetry with stainless steel appliances and granite countertops. The formal dining room overlooks your backyard oasis. There are two bedrooms on the first level (one currently being used as an office) a full bath and a mudroom area as you enter from the garage with a pantry and laundry area.

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Property Details of 249 Meadow Street

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Listed by Michael Colombo of Suburban Lifestyle Real Estate

Listing Sold by Suburban Lifestyle Real Estate

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