Charming, well-kept and rarely available property located in the heart of Charlestown. While currently configured as a turnkey two family with separate entrances and utilities, the possibilities are endless. A highlight of this property is the private, fenced and landscaped yard – a true urban oasis. Another is the one-car garage that offers secure off-street parking. Both units have 1 bedroom,1 full bathroom, dedicated washer and dryer as well as separate utilities. The upstairs unit (15 Essex) is the larger of the two and exudes character with exposed brick, beams and many hand-crafted elements such as built-in shelving and custom millwork. 15 Essex also includes a rustic open kitchen with gas cooktop, a large living room with a wood burning stove, an additional versatile living area, a skylight and a large deck directly off the kitchen. The downstairs unit (13 Essex) includes a walkout patio area. Both units will be delivered vacant. Make this gem your optimal living space!

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Property Details of 13-15 Essex Street, Charlestown

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Listed by Brian Woods of Woods Properties Inc.

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